I think I've finally recovered from the atrocities of an after party hang-over, a few days ago we courageously set of from Rotterdam Central Station and spent an hour and a bit sitting in packed trains and freezing train stations until we finally reached Gent in Belgium. When we got out of the Station we immediately knew we were at the right place; I Love Techno, Europe's leading dance festival featuring some of the best of the best in electronic music and some 40'000 guests!!!
The night held the following line up:
Blue Room:
Partyharders Squad
The Proxy
The Subs
Boys Noize
Zombie Nation
Green Room:
Johnny D
Paul Kalkbrenner
Joris Voorn
Luke Slater's Planetary Assault
Adam Beyer
Chris Leibing
Yellow Room:
Sound Pellegrino Thermal Team
Laurent Garnier
Simian Mobile Disco
Red Room:
Len Faki
Speedy J
Dave Clark
Carl Craig
Orange Room:
Sound of Stereo
Buraka Som Sistema
The Count and Sinden
Birdy Nam Nam
The Bloody Beetroots
Fake Blood
Don Rimini
If the line-up hasn't got you sweating in regret then I have no idea what you are doing on my blog because this is what it's all about, the night was amazing, halls as big as a country, an atmosphere impossible to ignore; this is the type of party at which the loneliest nerd would feel obliged to let loose and scream out his satisfaction.
The night was highlighted by our 15 minute waits in line to get into each room, followed by another 45 minutes or so of senseless dancing before we went to check out someone else, another thing to keep in mind is, buy plenty of food and drink tickets when you get in, because there is nothing worse than going through 30 euro's of weed, alcohol and god knows what else, and discovering that the random crowd in the main hanger is in fact the cue for food and drinks.
Personally, I haven't had a rougher night in ages, Yuksek was awesome, playing pretty much everyone of his songs live, followed by the Proxy, who for anyone with a hint of what electro is about was totally outrageous, then we jogged eagerly to see A-Trak which for me was the highlight of the evening, we walked in to his remix of MSTRKRFT's Bounce, and we walked out to him feverishly scratching Daft Punks' Robot Rock into a new song, overall...mind-boggling!
Another highlight, is the recently super famous duo of The Bloody Beetroots; with a series of ultra-heavy electro tracks killing the dancefloor, we went absolutely mad, I wouldn't be surprised if a good part of my sanity was left behind in that room, but thanks to this awesome little chap that was filming the whole time you can check it out for yourselves:
The chillout lounge as a matter of fact is an amazing place to be as well, so many different things occured there, such as law abiding police officers walking totally past drug users (or since it was about 4 o'clock, drug abusers) and not even acknowledging their existance, and one very desperate man's attempt to pull his T-Shirt on, I don't know what he was on, but seriously; it took him almost an hour, like, a proper hour to get his head in that T-shirt.
Then again, I may have overdone it with the details, so why not take a listen yourselves and see what it was all about:
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